Divorcenz.com is not a law firm and it does not provide legal advice, counsel, or representation to viewers of the website, its customers, or any other persons under any circumstances. It cannot, and does not advise any person or entity as to their rights, remedies, or obligations under the laws of any State. It does not advise any person or entity as to how to represent themselves or testify in court. No attorney-client relationship results from the purchase of forms from our website.
In acting on your behalf for your divorce we will prepare your Application and proceed with the same based on the accuracy of the information which you as the client have provided. Whilst we endeavour to prepare a Divorce kit for you, in so preparing we rely on your instructions and you are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the same.
In the event that your Application for Divorce is discontinued either at your personal election or due to the inaccuracy of the information provided to us, we do not provide any refund of our professional costs in these circumstances. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that the Application for Divorce is suitable for your purpose. We don’t provide any refund for failure to make sure suitability.
Divorcenz.com is an online divorce provider website and the information given on the website, as well as related material, is not by any means a substitution for legal advice. The information offered shouldn’t be relied on as legal advice or as a sole means of data about the divorce process as we don’t provide legal advice in any capacity. We do not take obligation for any advice given to you by your legal counsel. If you have any question as to whether or not you should avail yourself of this service, seek the advice of an attorney licensed in your state and experienced in family law matters.
The questions asked by Divorcenz.com are to gain information from its clients for the preparation of the forms required by each client. By asking such questions, it does not intend to suggest that any specific answer to any question is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It is the client’s duty to provide answers to questions, which are appropriate to their unique circumstances.
The documents produced by Divorcenz.com are provided without any implied or express warranty as to their performance or to the result which may be obtained through their use, except that the documents which you are provided by us will be valid by the Courts in your jurisdiction for the purpose for which they are intended. However, it does not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for any product or service advertised or offered by a third party through the Service or any hyperlinked website or service.
Communications between you and Divorcenz.com are governed by our Privacy Policy but are not covered by the attorney-client or work product privileges. Your access to our website or any purchase from here is subject to and governed by our Terms of Service.