Divorce in Marlborough

Most people think about getting a divorce as a process which takes forever and is very expensive because of the lawyer’s fees. Based on this reasons, Divorcenz.com exist for the purpose of satisfying their client’s legal issues with professional services from experienced lawyers with affordable fees. Divorcenz.com also helps their clients to process their divorce application much faster than the regular divorce process and with no errors whatsoever in the divorce documents.

Due to the lengthy process of divorce applications, there are ways in the state of Marlborough which makes filing an application for divorce much easier and faster. A person can file for an application of divorce without having to go through any stress if both spouses agree to have the divorce without a court hearing.

Divorce applications which are based on an agreement by both spouses not to have a court hearing for the divorce is much faster than a divorce application which is filed in court. Also a divorce application which is done without a hearing is conducted by the Court registrar with the approval of the court. A divorce application without a court hearing is legally binding and the only reason or instance where a divorce application can be done without a court hearing is;

1) When both spouses jointly file the divorce application together and have both given their consent to the order of the dissolution of marriage be done in their absence, or

2) Where only one of the party to the marriage files the application for divorce with the other spouses consent that the order of dissolution can be given in their absence or if the other spouse has no defense to the application for divorce.

When either of the reasons above is proved and held valid or satisfactory, the court registrar will then make an order for the dissolution of the marriage between the spouses. The order of dissolution of marriage is not final until a month after the date of dissolution. Once the dissolution order becomes final, a copy will be sent to both spouses as evidence of divorce.

For a spouse who has plans of remarrying but is being delayed because of the divorce, if both spouses agree on the divorce application, they (both spouses) can get an immediate order by requesting an undefended hearing in front of a judge. At the hearing the judge can make a dissolution order.

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